Thursday, 13 February 2014

Recipe of the day: Love-Cutlet

Helloo foodies! First of all HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all of you! Love is in the air…, today I come with a special recipe and some special tips! Have a look….



  • Boneless chicken:                        1/2 kg
  • Potato (boiled & mashed):           1 piece
  • Onion (big):                                 1 piece
  • Ginger (chopped):                       1 tablespoon
  • Garlic (chopped):                        2 tablespoon
  • Green chilli (chopped):               8-10 pieces 
  • Pepper powder:                          1teaspoon
  • Garam Masala Powder:               1 teaspoon
  • Bread crumbs:                           1cup
  • Egg:                                           1 or 2 piece
  • Refined Oil:                               ½ lit.
  • Salt:                                          to taste


  1. Cook & mince the chicken. 
  2. Sauté onion till it becomes soft.
  3. Add salt, pepper powder & garam masala.
  4. Add chopped ginger, green chilies
  5. Add minced chicken. Mix well. Stir for 5 minutes & remove from gas.
  6. Allow the mixture to cool. Once it is cooled add mash potatoes & mix well.
  7. Make small balls with the mixture & roll into love shapes.
  8. Beat the egg.
  9. Dip each cutlet in egg & roll with bread crumbs.
  10. Deep fry in oil.
  11. Serve hot with tomato sauce, salad and lots of love.

*If you are a vegetarian, then add boiled vegetables in the place of chicken.

Tips for a great Valentine Day:

"In every bunch there's one who stands out and you are that one."

1. Give your beloved a dozen roses and do it with a creative twist.
Give eleven red roses and one white rose.

2. Write him a little love note. Insert it into the book he's reading.

3. Make a custom banner, a BIG banner to welcome him home from office. (This year it is not a weekend!)
Use construction paper and crayons, or poster board and markers, or old sheets and spray paint.

4. No time or too lazy to wrap those gifts?
Buy fancy bags and pre-decorated boxes for gift-wrapping presents.

5. Choose a chocolaty dessert or something like strawberries dipped in chocolate so he/she ends up dessert as you spread some luscious treats across him/her.

That’s all for today! Hope you like today’s post. Please share your views with me. Enjoy this special day with your love one…..take care. Namaskar.